Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Older Generation and Modern Business of UAE
Table of Contents Introduction Description of the two respondents A general Story about Dubaiââ¬â¢s evolution Their perceptions over the changing world Positive and negative impacts on their lifestyle Advice/wisdom to young people Personal reflection/Conclusion Introduction The rapid changes experienced in the contemporary world have left human beings overwhelmed, forestalling, and others mesmerized depending on the age group factor.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Older Generation and Modern Business of UAE specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Perhaps one would wonder why the world seems entangled in different perceptions over the current global image, especially the differing presumption over matters pertaining to socio-economic structures. Traditionally, culture has been the most respected aspect amongst communities, but currently, the notion behind the significance of culture and subcultures is diminishin g. International competition has confused the world economic, cultural, and social living styles that have led to the emergence of world economic subdivisions popularly known as developed and developing nations. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one among the swiftly changing economies across the world with businesses struggling to meet market pressures, dynamic price fluctuations, and serving consumers with diverse needs. As the old generation is nearing retirement age, a new era is dramatically becoming dexterous. This study evaluates the new generation, as deemed by the mature community. Description of the two respondents This study undertook a face-to-face verbal interview with two older men aged 65 years and 59 years respectively named Mohammed Al Maktoum and Khan Al Suwaidi, both residing within Dubai with one retired from a local company and the other still working.Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, in a bid to preserve confidentiality, these are not their real names and the names mentioned herein are for academic purposes coupled with assisting in undertaking this analysis. Mohammed Al Maktoum can barely speak and from a distance, one can read his thoughts and probably conclude that the older man must be undergoing some psychological agitation. Every time he begins to tell his story, he nods instantaneously, his bloodshot eyes begin reddening, and he puts his head down and grumbles. With a moderate body size fitted in an old suit, his efforts to start an old-engine car from a parking bay along one of the most beautiful Dubai streets is causing more frustrations. He never thought his Dubai dream would end here. We picked a conversation with the aging man and he recalls with nostalgia how Dubai used to observe influential culture, which underscored a working nation enjoying right working conditions coupled with favorable and attractive wages with no biasness in payments. He regrettably remembers earning double-digit salary before drastic changes began within the working community that shockingly witnessed unexpected layoffs, demotions, and even unforeseen retrenchments that consumed the industrial world in the 1990s. According to Mohammed, the companies that most people worked for started changing their perceptions over their workforce, coupled with frustrating and even treating workers inhumanely.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Older Generation and Modern Business of UAE specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mohammed stresses that there was no senior to explain what was happening and workers used to teamwork became afraid as management teams disbanded any form of conversations and debates. The streets are now fluffy of a mixture of different races and nationalists from forces of migration and immigration that has been eminent in the current decades. H e continues to explain how he became jobless after he lost his work after a few days off to seek medical attention due to an injury he got at work. The situation was not different from the 59 years old Khan Al Suwaidi whom I knew his family for an extended period and thus he forms part of our family friend. The tall, middle-aged man with a flat tummy describes his life as a man born from an underprivileged family with a repeated history of members earning only living wage. His old voice, which seems humorous and balmy, forces him to respond to greetings in a frustrated manner. Employed for approximately 25 years in the same company, the current technologies seem to have outwitted him since the company is currently considering his age group as a liability. Since he began working with this company, which he refused to talk about, his life has been full of aggravation with doctors advising him to resign following a series of psychosomatic disorders.Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Khan Al Suwaidi, initially, people with an education level like his were somehow bosses or even supervisors, but within two decades, things have changed dramatically. A general Story about Dubaiââ¬â¢s evolution Only Mohammed Al Maktoum, by drawing memories from stories told to him, managed to portray a slight overview of the ancient Dubai that contrast distinctively from the modern Dubai. Dubai was once under a vast desert dominated only by scattered cactuses and tumbleweed with scorpions being the only insects inhabiting this zone. Nonetheless, within the eighteenth century, there was a small quaint town in the downtown with old-fashioned metal and glasses composing its infrastructure. Subsequently, a small village was coming into sight from this region with a few people in the lower Persian Gulf engaging in some pearls off the coast. From this moment, the desert-like Dubai region was gradually becoming an attractive site with the populace growing to substantial num bers. Within a short period, an accumulating cosmopolitan population streaming from the Persian Gulf, Indian subcontinent, and from Arab countryside was attractively engaging in some severe businesses around this zone before the British Empire and gunships invaded the place. Currently, Mohammed estimates Dubaiââ¬â¢s population to consist of approximately 180 nationalities. Their perceptions over the changing world Mohammed Al Maktoum has had an unending criticism over the rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic paradigms in the contemporary world that has influenced almost every part of his lifestyle. The picturesque long and tall towers or even the skyscrapers along the Dubai streets are not the central part of his concern, but the dynamic changes within the socio-economic realm. Mohammed Al Maktoum exclaims that the contemporary Dubai does not only survive beyond its financial stature, but its lifestyle has surpassed its ecological form with zones characterized by manicure d Dubai lawns. Nonetheless, he notes that despite Dubai being nicknamed the global economic melting pot and essential for the entire world, such changes might only have favored the latest regimes and the modern generation, with the old generation struggling to cope with the dynamism. In fact, Mohammed Al Maktoum regrets that the primary virtues that embedded the Muslim community are gradually vanishing with the modern society concentrating on improvising and improving the business world. Even though Khan Al Suwaidi regards himself as an old nationalist of Dubai, much of his life experience consists of postmodernism of the current Dubai; hence, he has a mixture of thoughts regarding the changes that have consumed this city. Khan Al Suwaidi has much criticism on immigration and migration trends that have become uncontainable across the UAE and especially within Dubai city, which has witnessed massive influx of expatriates, deportees, and refugees, and thus the situation in Dubai is un desirable. Khan Al Suwaidi regrets losing his management position following changes in organizational culture, leadership techniques, and policies that since then have placed higher requirements for the senior ranks with salaries and wages depending on academic qualifications. The old Muslim culture, societal norms, and values have undergone down winding and finally meandered into the current globalization world that has captured individuals into endless interethnic, antisocial, and inconsiderate world. Immigrants are pushing natives deeper into the suburbs rural areas and occupying major economies within gateways, thus making lifestyle uncomfortable. Positive and negative impacts on their lifestyle As these elders are struggling to fit into the dynamics of the changing world within Dubai and other economically stable zones, Mohammed Al Maktoum and Khan Al Suwaidi admit that the contemporary world has resulted into a mixture of positive and negative impacts. A constant challenge ris ing from the changes seen in the current Dubai seems to be arising from how culture has become a controversial combination of modernism and some stereotyped traditions. Forty years ago, communities residing in Dubai remained bonded in specific cultures that respected both religion and traditions accustomed to the Dubai Emirati communities. Contrastingly, some minority women and men, influenced by immigrants, are practicing antisocial behaviors against national and regional customs. Economically, Mohammed Al Maktoum and Khan Al Suwaidi believe that life is becoming more and more difficult for the ordinary civilians within Dubai especially the aging men and women whose lives are worsening economically since they paved the way for the energetic and agile generation. Coupled with the rising expenses from common commodities to supplementary goods within Dubai city, they both expect life to worsen towards their old ages. Khan Al Suwaidi is still struggling to raise a family of at least si x individuals and thus waking up early in the morning to work in the industries makes his aging even more uncomfortable. They both explain that the areas that they visited for leisure during their youth have changed to something different and unpleasing. Since Khan does not possess any knowledge about the modern technologies integrated into the working systems, he is just but optimistic that his initial knowledge about his job will remain imperative to the company he serves. On the other side, Mohammed has been hopeful that the little savings he managed to accumulate from his meager pay will allow him to continue operating his small businesses for survival. The only way that the rapidly changing Dubai has positively influenced Maktoom and Khan Al Suwaidi is how current technologies are assisting in improving public service delivery, communication with family members and friends, and even comfortable transport networks founded from sophisticated technology. Contrary to the growing ca ses of prostitution, murder, terrorism, and bad politics that industrialization and modernization have brought to Dubai, current technologies have changed distance communication where members find it easy to communicate and share ideas. The media, though it might not be culturally sensitive to the behaviors and social structure of the present world, has improved information sharing and a deeper understanding of the world as it is currently. The four decades have also changed their way of interaction with the community, their perception about religion, and the reality about political and social life. Despite environmental concerns shifting from naturalism to imitations, Dubai has become more attractive than its earlier wilderness. Advice/wisdom to young people With a desire to create a better world than it appears currently, the two elders provided coherent advice to me as a youthful person. Mohammed Al Maktoum, in his deepest understanding of the experiences he has witnessed through global dynamism, believes that for generations to become stronger, they must keep up with the growing changes to enhance their competence economically and socially. Nonetheless, refraining from cultural norms might be enjoyable for the modernized community, but it is putting the world at more hazard than estimated. Khan Al Suwaidi asserts that the world does not change, but only human beings force it to change and it will be for the best of human nature to control peopleââ¬â¢s intuitions, notions, and motives concerning changes that are emerging in the world. They all admitted that these changes have risen desperately due to ravenousness and undesirable leadership traits coupled with human needs that are also increasingly becoming vibrant. Personal reflection/Conclusion Motivating words and wise saying have been useful in changing the current world and maybe will continue shaping the future world. The old generation has been quite imperative in providing critical advice through its intelligence though individuals keep underestimating its significance. Apparently, having elderly age-group presents some wisdom and thus preserving their acumen through simple words can aid in teaching the future generation. Mohammed Al Maktoum and Khan Al Suwaidi possess almost similar experiences through their employment and social life and thus, their words may change the lives of the future age group. Preserving the environment and nurturing its naturalism is crucial though we cannot get away from the reality that the current generation depends on jobs for survival. This report on Older Generation and Modern Business of UAE was written and submitted by user Jadon Brooks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Definition of Dialectology
Definition of Dialectology The scientific study of dialects, or the regional differences in a language. Although to some extent an autonomous discipline, dialectology is regarded by some linguists as a subfield of sociolinguistics. What is Dialectology? Sociolinguists and dialectologists share some goals and methods. We both tend to be interested in the language of a particular place (a speech community), language in use, authentic speech, and defining a language variety in terms of how it might differ from the standard. A major difference is that in the past dialectologists or dialect geographers have been interested in the most divergent, traditional language of a community, assuming that other forms resulted from later movement toward the standard. Sociolinguists, on the other hand, are interested in the full range of forms in a community (and their social evaluation) ...The goals of dialect geography and dialectology have been to show where particular speech features are found, and to discover the boundaries between dialect regions. But dialect geography has also tried to find the most traditional speech in each region, on the assumption that regional dialects are most distinct when they havent been influenced by their neighbors , or by mainstream language.(Gerard Van Herk, What Is Sociolinguistics? Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) Dialect Geography Dialect geography [is] a methodology or (more accurately) a set of methods for gathering evidence of dialect differences systematically ...More than a century has elapsed since the first major project in dialect geography was undertaken, and in that time there have been hundreds of projects, great and small, that have made use of the methodology ...The resurgence [of dialect geography] began in the 1980s. We have already noted some of the benchmarks: the revival of the Middle and South Atlantic States project under Kretzschmar, the resumption of analysis of the survey of English dialects by Upton and his associates, and, of course, Pedersons Gulf States publications. In addition to these, significant regional projects are taking place in Spain directed by Manuel Alvar, in France sponsored by the Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique, and in many other places, including Mexico, Canary Islands, Vanuatu, and RÃ ©union. Dialect atlases are appearing in relative profusion, some of them belated culminations of old field work and others the end-products of more recent research.One reason for the resurgence is technological. Dialectology, the most data-oriented branch of language studies, finally found itself with tools commensurate to its task.(J. K. Chambers and Peter Trudgill, Dialectology, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 1998) Social Dialectology Social dialectology differs from traditional dialectology in its shift of focus from rural, settled communities to communities characterized by immigration and mobility... A sign that social dialectology is maturing as a discipline is that scholars are now able to compare the results of a range of studies in order to locate and explain parallel developments.(David Britain and Jenny Cheshire, Introduction. Social Dialectology: In Honour of Peter Trudgill. John Benjamins, 2003) Forms of Dialectology In social dialectology, boundaries between varieties are identified on the basis of trained linguists observations of actual phonetic and grammatical features that constitute salient differences between varieties. In regional dialectology, boundaries are identified on the basis of what trained fieldworkers are able to elicit from speakers or speakers reports of what they usually say. In perceptual dialectology, the beliefs and thoughts that non-linguists have about language are used to distinguish varieties. Peoples perceptions about language, whether descriptively accurate or not, are just as important to the researcher as the objective facts about how speakers talk.(Miriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2011)
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